How Much Does Surrogacy Cost?

Our surrogate mother fees and costs are transparent and disclosed. We recognize that many families face substantial expenses when using gestational surrogacy. For this reason, our team is committed to offering resources and choices—including adaptable financing options—to make the surrogate journey easier for you.

Surrogacy Mother Fees: A Major Component

One of the most significant expenses in the surrogacy journey is the compensation provided to the surrogate mother. These fees are a vital aspect of surrogacy costs. Compensation for surrogate mothers can vary widely and is influenced by factors such as location, experience, and the specific requirements of the surrogacy arrangement.

The compensation typically covers the surrogate mother’s time, effort, and the physical and emotional challenges she may experience during the surrogacy process. Surrogates often receive a base fee, with additional amounts for multiple pregnancies, caesarean deliveries, and other potential complications.

Legal and Administrative Expenses

Surrogacy involves legal contracts to protect the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. Legal fees can be a substantial part of surrogacy costs, covering the drafting and review of surrogacy agreements and the establishment of parental rights.

Administrative expenses, including the coordination of medical appointments, travel, and insurance, also contribute to the overall cost of surrogacy.

We at Happy Future Surrogacy take delight in our reputation for making the surrogacy process as easy and stress-free as we can. In an effort to lessen financial strain and offer an affordable surrogacy program, we constantly look for innovative ways to make the surrogacy process easier. One such way is by giving our intended parents the option to finance their cycles.

The total cost of a surrogacy arrangement includes agency fees, surrogate compensation and expenses, fertility clinic fees and legal fees etc. * Please contact our office for more information

Surrogate Compensation $45,000+ for First time California Surrogate
$60,000+ for Repeat California Surrogate
$30,000+ for Surrogates located in other states
Medication Start Fee Depends on Surrogate’s benefit package
Embryo Transfer Fee Depends on Surrogate’s benefit package
Maternity Clothing Depends on Surrogate’s benefit package
Surrogate Monthly Allowance $200-500/Month
Legal Fees $9,000-12,000
Psychological Evaluation $400-800 (vary by location)
Background Check $300
Escrow holding Fee $1,500
Surrogate Life Insurance $700+

Other Cost May Apply (if applicable)

Twin Compensation Depends on Surrogate’s benefit package
C- Section Fee $3,500
Invasive Procedure Fee $1,000
Surrogate Travel Expense Depends on surrogate’s location
Psychological Support: ($100/month up to 15) ($100/month up to 15)
Health Insurance $8,000-25,000
Lost Wages and Child Care Actual Cost as determined