Surrogacy Frequently Asked Questions

When considering a surrogate procedure there are many factors to consider on both
sides. There are many questions and concerns that both intended parents and potential
surrogate matches have – as they should! We hope to help put all parties as ease and help you
bring a wonderful miracle into the world. Below are a few surrogate procedure questions that
are commonly asked.surrogate
1. Who uses a surrogate? Many types of families decide to go the route of surrogacy.
Many families who have been struggling for years with infertility are great candidates for surrogacy. There are also single parent families as well as same-sex couples that can only conceive through the use of a surrogate.
2. Who becomes a surrogate? Many women have a desire to become a surrogate. It is a selfless gift to give another family the precious wonder that is a new baby. To become a surrogate many women must be complete with their own family, so they are likely mothers raising their own children.
3. What is the difference between Traditional Surrogacy versus Gestational Surrogacy? A traditional surrogate is the biological mother as it is her egg being fertilized. With a
gestation surrogacy the surrogate is simply the carrier and has no biological relation to
the baby.
4. How does the surrogate become pregnant? Invitro fertilization is used to help the
surrogate become pregnant. This can be used with either traditional surrogacy or
gestational surrogacy.
5. What screening is involved? Both the intended parents and the potential surrogate are
thoroughly screened prior to beginning the process to help protect all parties involved.
This is an emotional process, and we want to help prevent any unnecessary heartache
when possible.
If you have any additional questions, we would be happy to help. We look forward to
helping make the surrogacy process as easy as possible for everyone involved.

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