The Surrogacy Process

To help guide you through the surrogacy process, we have created this overview to give you a breakdown of what to expect. The surrogacy process takes an average of 13-20 months from the moment you apply to the time of delivery. Please keep in mind that every surrogacy is unique, so the timing and process may vary.
If you meet the surrogacy requirements to become a surrogate mother, the FIRST step is to submit an online application.
Application Process
- Complete application and profile online
- Interview with our agency (phone, zoom or in-person)
- Requesting OB/delivery records on your previous pregnancies
The Matching Process
- Some parents may request a meeting with the surrogate either in person, via Skype or on the phone. This step is especially important, and you must allow yourself the right amount of time to decide. Review the Intended Parents profile and think about it thoroughly in order to ensure they are someone you feel the most comfortable with to assist
- We will run a criminal background check on you and your spouse/partner/boyfriend (if applicable).
The Screening Process
- Meet with the IVF physician and staff of the Intended Parent(s) for a pelvic exam, ultrasound, blood work, cultures for sexually transmitted diseases, and toxic substances.
- Our psychologist to get in touch with you to set up a psychological screening/evaluation
The legal Process
- After you are medically cleared. You (and your partner) will have a consultation with an attorney to review and sign the legal contract between you and the Intended Parent(s).
- Legal Contract will be signed and notarized before starting any medication for trasnfer
Embryo Transfer Preparation
- A cycle calendar will be provided to you with important dates and prescription medications. The IVF physician’s office will go over in detail the names of the medications, instructions on use, and side effects if any. It is important to note that once injections begin, that the Surrogate must abstain from sexual intercourse.
- You will also have a few local monitoring appointments (ultrasound and bloodwork) at a facility near your hometown to track your progress. Once your body is ready for the transfer, you will travel to the IVF clinic for the procedure.
- Twelve to fourteen days after the date of the embryo transfer, a blood pregnancy test will be ordered to determine whether the Surrogate Mother is pregnant.
Pregnancy and Delivery
- Once the pregnancy is confirmed, you will continue to see the physician every week to two weeks for follow up ultrasound and blood work to monitor the viability of the pregnancy and to evaluate if there are multiple gestations. *It is very important to continue medication once confirmed pregnant.After the heartbeat ultrasound is confirmed, the first base compensation will be paid to you on the first of the following month
- After twelve weeks gestation, you will then be released to your own Obstetrician for the remainder of the pregnancy and delivery.
- Barring any complications or emergencies, you will deliver your surrogate baby at the hospital near you. Most IPs prefer to be at the delivery if at all possible. After delivery, the baby(ies) will be discharged from the hospital with the parents, and you will be discharged as well. We will be here to support you in the postpartum period to ensure you are recovering and have everything you need.